Sunday, February 3, 2008

Britney's psychological tortuous treatment pt. 2

Nurse Trundle then gave Britney a pair of stockings to put on and she ordered her to “hurry up”.
Britney scrambled to kick off her shoes and pull on the dark stockings before putting her heels back on.
The nurse then grabbed Britney by the arm and hurried her down the long corridor, naked, except for the stockings and heels, into the examination room she’d prepared.
Britney was fearful and anxious as she entered the room and was told to lie on the examination bed. The room was cold and antiseptic smelling and it had all sorts of stainless devices neatly displayed on stainless steel tables. As she stared around the room her anxiety began to build. She wondered what this nurse was going to do to her and if it was going to be painful. She wondered how any of this could be classified as “treatment”. She wondered how in the world she ever ended up in a place like this. She wondered if her mother knew what kind of place this was. She wondered if Paris had anything to do with this.
Britney had a ton of unanswered questions rattle through her mind as she tried to imagine was what in store for her. She wanted to run, to escape, to go anywhere but here, but she knew she’d never make it. Besides, she rationally reasoned, where could she go naked?
The cool sheets did little to calm her nerves as she slowly laid back. Britney stared up at the nurse who slowly leaned over her and in an angry tone sneered, “You’ll do EXACTLY as I say or you’ll feel pain like you’ve never felt pain before. Do you understand me, cunt?” she growled as she grabbed Britney’s tit and pussy and squeezed them both firmly.
Britney winced in pain and whimpered a soft, “Yes.”

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