Friday, February 23, 2007

Britney Spears submits to Paris pt 4

The next day Paris arrived at Britney’s Beverly Hills home just as Britney was on her way out the front door with her two boys in tow. “Whoa, where do you think you’re going? Get back inside. We have business to discuss.” Paris ordered.
“W-we were on the way to the park for our daily play time,” Britney explained, “It’s something we do almost everyday.”
“Not today, cunt,” Paris snarled, the sharpness of her tone causing Britney to wince. “Your new staff will be here shortly and we have a lot to cover before they get here.”
Paris led the trio into the large TV room that had a circular leather couch and several chairs. She motioned to Britney to sit down and put the boys in the middle of the room so they could play. The oldest boy wasn’t even three and the younger was about half that.
“I will speak, you will listen,” Paris began, “Today you will have a new staff. They are an all female staff, except the pool boy/groundskeeper. They are a strict bunch but they’re necessary to complete your training.”
Britney, confused, interrupted, “Training?”
Paris leapt up and grabbed Britney by the hair and started shaking her head violently shouting, “What did I say, cunt?! I speak, you listen!”
The startled boys didn’t fully understand what was happening, but were shocked by Paris’ yelling.
Britney on the other hand, was totally frightened by this “other side” of Paris. She whimpered she was sorry and Paris warned her not to let it happen again.
Paris continued, “Your new staff will consist of a cook, a housekeeper, a personal assistant, and a manager to handle them all. In addition to them you will have a three person rotation of nanny’s for the boys and of course, the pool boy.”
Britney was impressed with the number of staff members. It was about twice what she had before.
“Now for the rules,” Paris began, “You will follow these rules to the letter. Any deviation will result in punishment. Punishment may be painful or restrictive. Either I or Gwen, oh, she’s the new staff manager, will inflict your punishment. When I am not around, Gwen is in charge completely. She has full authority to enforce…whatever.”
Britney grew more and more nervous. Hearing the sternness in Paris’ voice was scary enough but hearing these things in front of her boys was humiliating. She didn’t know what to do or how to react. She wanted to run, but knew she couldn’t. Fear gripped her and she worried about her future. Through all this trepidation, she knew she had to stay focused on Paris’ words or she may miss something important, so she listened intently as Paris continued.
“Beginning immediately, you will not leave the house for any reason unless you have my permission. While in the house you will not wear anything but four inch heels. I bought you a pair of nice soft four inch heeled slippers for around the house.”
Britney’s mouth dropped open. She just couldn’t be naked all day, especially around her boys. It was sick and unacceptable. She wanted to protest but thought better of it. Her heart began to beat faster as her anxiety built.
We may as well get started now, so strip. Just toss your clothes over there in the corner,” Paris directed.
Britney sat motionless for a few seconds as she stared at Paris to insure she was serious. Then she looked down at her two boys playing quietly on the floor in front of them. Britney had always taken great precautions to be modest in front of her boys before now.
Britney’s hesitation disturbed Paris. “Either strip now or suffer your first punishment IN FRONT OF YOUR BOYS” she threatened.
Reluctantly, Britney stood and peeled of her t-shirt and then her bra. When Sean asked her what she was doing, Britney felt like passing out. She didn’t know what to say. She was so humiliated. Stupid excuses flashed through her mind, each one dumber than the one before. When Sean insisted on staring at her, Britney urged him to look away as she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. “Please honey, look over there a moment, okay?”
But Sean didn’t and Britney pushed her jeans down and clumsily stepped out of them. As she stood there in her panties, she saw a little smirk come across Sean’s face as his little eyes widened. Britney’s discomfort hit a whole new level at that moment, “Please honey,” she begged as she tried to cover herself from his prying eyes, “play with your brother, okay?”
Sean didn’t look away. He was too enthralled with what his mother was doing so he kept staring.
“Sean, please,” Britney begged a last time before she inserted her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and reluctantly pushed them down and off. Her heart was pounding and she could hardly breathe as she quickly sat down and tried to cover her nakedness from her boys.
Satisfied with the completion of the first step, Paris continued, “You will have no physical contact with your boys unless I or the staff allows it. You may see them and talk to them, but you will not touch them. The boys shouldn’t be raised by such a filthy slut like you anyway. You’re nothing more than trailer trash and you know it. If we go outside either I or Gwen will carry the boys in case the paparazzi are watching. We wouldn’t them thinking you were actually trying to be a mother, now would we?” Paris taunted.
Tears welled up in Britney’s eyes as she realized what was happening. Her family was being torn apart and it was all her fault.
“You will dress as you are told and go where you are told, when you are told and you will do what you are told. Failure to do so will result in punishment. You will not touch yourself in ANY manner except when you apply makeup, shave or get dressed. You will not cum unless given permission to do so by me or Gwen. At least once per day, you will make someone else cum. If it’s a man, you will collect a sample of his cum, if it’s a woman, you get her to sign a sworn affidavit that she came at your urging. Here’s a stack of prepared affidavit’s that they only have to sign and date,” Paris said as she handed Britney a box of business cards. “You will carry some of them with you at all times.”
“I will have your house rigged with security cameras today, too. There will be one in each room and your activities will be strictly monitored. Any violation of the rules and you will be punished.”
Paris continued as Britney struggled to stay focused, “Since you are not allowed to touch yourself in any manner, you will eat in a prescribed manner. Your food items will be restricted to things like carrots, celery, breadsticks, hotdogs, kielbasa sausage and the like. You may eat whenever you are hungry, but you WILL eat as follows: the cook will insert your food of choice in her vagina and you will get on your knees and eat it from her.”
Britney blinked in disbelief. No way was she going to do that, NO WAY. She’d rather starve than do that.
“Lastly, you will register yourself with an online slave registry and make me your owner. Then you will be placed on a strict schedule. You will get up no later than 8am daily, you will shower, shave your body completely from the neck down and you will do a workout that lasts several hours. You can play with the boys in the afternoon, so long as you don’t try to touch them. Remember, you can eat whenever you are hungry, so long as you do it as outlined previously. Every evening we will go clubbing and return…whenever. Any questions, cunt?” Paris ended.
Britney was overwhelmed. She didn’t know what to say or how to say it. She understood what Paris had dictated, but she didn’t agree with any of it. She worried that saying she understood was some sort of admission that she’d comply. Too many questions, too much confusion befuddled Britney. She briefly cleared her mind long enough to mutter, “No, no questions, Paris.”

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