Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Britney Spears visits the children's ward

Poor, poor Britney was so distraught after her thorough bowel cleansing that she had to be restrained and given a sedative. She felt a little loopy as she was placed on a gurney and strapped down. Thick nylon straps were secured across her stomach and upper chest and her wrists were strapped separately. Two more straps were placed across her thighs and ankles to hold her legs firmly in place.

Britney was totally relaxed as the nurse wheeled her down a long corridor. The sound of the gurney wheels kind of echoed in this strange slow motion sort of way. Britney smiled as the lights overhead bathed her one by one as she quietly rolled down the hall.

She wasn’t sure how long they’d been gliding through the facility, but they eventually slowed as two large doors opened automatically when the nurse punched a large metal plate on the wall. As they rolled through, Britney managed to focus long enough to read “Children’s Ward” on the door.

In her sublime state of euphoria from her drugs, Britney felt a little twinge of elation at the idea of seeing some of her young fans.

As the nurse continued to push her gurney down another long corridor, Britney could hear the faint sound of chattering children off in the distance. She wondered if it was the sound of her adoring fans and she mustered enough energy drawl out a slow question, “Are…we…going…to…visit…my…fans?”

The nurse realized Britney had no clue of her current condition. She smiled a devilish smile as she wheeled Britney closer and closer to the large foyer where dozens of young people were gathered and awaiting the pop stars arrival. She knew the Diva princess had no idea she was virtually naked except for her nylons and that she was strapped to a gurney and unable to move. She smiled broadly because she knew the Diva bitch wouldn’t be able to speak soon, either.

When the children saw the nurse pushing the bald Britney, a crescendo of screams and whoops reached deafening loudness as she was wheeled to the center of the room. Children of all ages crowded around and reached out to touch the super star as she lay strapped and naked to the gurney.

Britney simply rolled her head from side to side and smiled back at all the smiling little faces as they reached out and touched her.

No one could believe their eyes and they all wanted to touch her and see what she felt like. Someone shouted, “Give me her stockings!” and a mad scramble erupted with tiny hands yanking and pulling at Britney’s stockings and trying to work them under the straps and off her legs.

The sensation created by all the touching was enhanced by the drugs she was given. Britney’s body was beyond tingly, it was much more electrified and she felt her heart begin to race. Each touch on her skin, no matter where it was, seemed to terminate in her clitoris. Because of the calming effect of the drug on her mental state, she didn’t feel the panic she would normally feel as her arousal began to crest in record time. Physically it was hard for Britney to tell if she was dampening as she squirmed and struggled against the straps, but everyone else could see her swollen pussy flowering and glistening with excitement. The deep red color of her labia was positive indication that the drug was working and the shiny liquid that was being spread between her legs was the confirmation.

Britney’s mind was awash with the crazy spectacle as she lay strapped to a gurney, naked and aroused and rapidly approaching a tremendous orgasm in front of all her young fans as they pressed in to touch their favorite pop star.

Britney’s skin was covered in goose bumps and she was finding it more and more difficult to breathe. Her mind was working in slow motion but her body was in overdrive. Each tiny touch caused her to jump and squirm and twitch uncontrollably as the children kept stroking her skin.

The sound of the excited crowd blurred into one loud drone of noise as Britney’s body began to betray her once again. Her taut stomach tightened and flexed as she drew closer and closer to orgasm. Her mind kept screaming, “NO!” but her body shouted, “YES!!”

Britney thought her heart was going to explode as the room began to spin. The dull roar of voices surrounded her and muted her own loud groans as she strained to keep from an embarrassing orgasm.

She knew it was wrong, but she couldn’t stop it. Deep down inside Britney knew that being naked in front of children was wrong, but being strapped down and drugged made it impossible to leave. She wanted to cry out, but her mouth wouldn’t work. No words came out as she lay there squirming and struggling. Seeing the tiny faces and hands as they reached out to touch her body was so humiliating, yet so exhilarating.

All Britney could do was weakly look side-to-side and strain to keep herself together.

When she felt her stockings slowly pulled off her toes it signaled her complete nudity. Her nipples sprang to a hardness she’d never felt before and she was sure they were an inch long. The humiliation of being aroused in front of all these little people was horrifying. It’s just not something that was supposed to happen. The drugs disabled her speech and made her body enhance every touch. Britney knew she was going to cum and she was going cum very quickly.

Her eyes widened as she fought the impending. Britney panted and puffed and tried to cry out as her body stiffened and strained. She didn’t want to cum, but all the tiny hands touching her, stroking her, dancing along her skin were driving her over the edge.
Helpless and out of control Britney moaned and groaned as her loin spilled its contents and she came with everyone watching. Her body twitched and convulsed and oozed and bucked as she came in front of the bewildered children. None of them seemed to realize what Britney was doing except for the older teen girls.

Hearing the older girls express their disbelief at their pop stars behavior made Britney wince inside. Mentally she was a wreck. Her body was still wracked with the effects of her orgasm, but her mind was crying and ashamed. The torment she felt inside was offset by the extreme satisfaction of a long overdue orgasm. But her body’s pleasure wasn’t near as satisfying to her mental state and Britney wanted to sob and cry.

The nurse pushed her way through the throng of children and announced that Britney would be back soon to put on a performance for everyone. She wheeled the spent pop star back to her room and helped her back in bed.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Paris gives dirty girl Britney Spears an enema

After several days of performing daily anal exams, the nursing staff agreed with Paris that Britney was indeed a dirty little girl and she needed a thorough cleansing.
Paris instructed her two orderly's to take Britney to the enema chair and strap her in. Just for grins and giggles, they made her put on a pair of black stockings and her hospital pumps.
When the two orderly's first came in her room and tossed her the nylons, Britney was elated. She thought her days of total nudity were finally over and she eagerly pulled them up her thighs. But her hopes were quickly dashed when the two women grabbed her by her arms and yanked her up and began to lead her down the long corridor naked except for her nylons and pumps.
Britney started to whimper and plead with the two women as her eyes filled with tears. She didn't want another anal exam because she knew the nurse would only torment her and bring her to the brink of orgasm but not allow her to cum. Britney blubbered and weakly struggled as the two women forcefully led her to a different exam room.
It had the typical antiseptic smell of an exam room but this one had a large chair-like contraption in the middle. At least three large enema bags hung on metal poles and surrounded the chair, which was actually more like a toilet. A large stainless steel catch basin was under the seat and leather straps were draped across the back.
Fear gripped Britney as she stared at the scary looking apparatus and she leaned back and resisted the two orderly's. She feared what was next.
Both women pushed Britney forward and spun her around and forced her to sit on the toilet seat. As Britney begged and pleaded with them to stop, they quickly strapped her into the chair using the leather straps across her chest.
As the orderly's were strapping her in, Paris walked in. Britney squirmed and meekly whimpered with fear at seeing Paris.
Paris walked behind Britney, leaned forward and forcefully pushed a thick plastic tube up Britney's bottom and made her squeal.
"Oh my gawd, please, please don't do this," whimpered Britney as the tube was pushed deeper and deeper into her colon.
Paris just told Britney to shut up and she released a clamp enabling warm soapy water to rush into her bowels.
Britney squirmed and fidgeted as the warm liquid worked its way into her system.
When Paris squeezed the bag and forced the liquid deeper and deeper, Britney groaned and moaned as her tummy began to protrude.
"You'd better not spill a drop until I tell you to, cunt, or there'll be Hell to pay," warned Paris.
Britney bore down and squeezed her anus tightly as the pressure continued to build. "Please, oh gawd, please, I can't hold it anymore," Britney moaned as her stomach filled.
"You haven't even taken HALF of what I'm going to put in you, bitch, so you'd better not let go," insisted Paris.
Britney squirmed and groaned but kept her anus tightly clenched as her bowels continued to expand. Beads of sweat began to form on her bald head as she strained to retain the enema.
When the contents of the bag were finally gone, Paris slowly removed the tube and gave Britney permission to release.
Britney's bowels exploded into the bedpan below and the relief was enormous. But as soon as her bowels were relieved, she felt the tube reinserted.
Paris repeated the process with clean, warm water twice more to thoroughly cleanse Britney's bowels. Every time Britney moaned and started to complain, Paris had one of her orderly's administer lashes to Britney's breasts and thighs with a leather flogger.
Once Paris was satisfied that Britney's bowels were clean, she leaned in and told her, "Now you're not such a dirty little slut anymore."

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Britney Spears rehab; her daily routine

Britney wondered when her rehab was going to begin to focus on her drinking. The first several days had been virtual repeats of the first day, except she didn't have paperwork to fill out.

All her personal items, including her suitcases full of clothes were confiscated and put into storage. It was explained to her that everything she needed would be provided for her. She was issued a pair of "hospital pumps", at least that's what the nurse called them and she was given some hospital gowns to wear. Britney complained a little because none of the gowns had ties, they were just open. She wanted to know which was the front and which was the back.

The nurse just scowled at Britney and said, "Listen you little prissy bitch, you'll wear what we give you and like it, okay?"

Needless to say, Britney was shocked at how she was being treated. As she stood in her room, naked and chilled, she began to protest.

The nurse scowled again and summoned two female orderly's. They pushed Britney face down on the exam table and forced her legs apart.

Britney squirmed and begged them to let her go, "Please, I'll be good, I promise, please, you don't need to do this!"

Each time she squirmed, the nurse gave her a hard swat on her plump ass cheeks.

Britney howled in pain as the nurse spanked her in full view of the two orderly's who held her down.

Finally the nurse stopped and growled in Britney's ear as she sobbed uncontrollably, "Listen you little bitch, you're going to do as I say..." then she paused and leaned in close to Britney's ear and whispered, "...or I'm going to tell Paris what a naughty little girl you're being and I'll let HER take care of you."

Britney's heart almost stopped. "Oh my gawd," she sobbed as her situation suddenly became clear. Was there no end to Paris' reach? Would she ever be able to escape Paris' grasp? How did she get stuck in THIS place of all places?

As Britney tried to fully grasp what was happening, the nurse proceeded to give her yet another anal exam. "Oh gawd," Britney sighed as the nurses' finger pushed past her tight little asshole, "oh no, please," she begged, "please don't do this again."

The nurse ignored her pleas and pushed her digit deep into Britney's dark hole. Using only the tiniest amount of lubricant, the nurse began to pump her gloveless finger in and out of Britney's ass with increased speed.

The nurse intentionally punched at Britney's ass causing her flesh to wobble as her knuckles drove in deeply. Each time her hand contacted Britney's anus it caused her moan or grunt.

Listening carefully to Britney's breathing and taking special note of her pussy's reaction, the nurse brought Britney to the edge of orgasm several times before she'd stop.

Each time Britney got close to orgasm the nurse would whisper, "You'd better not cum, whore, you'd better not cum."

Day after day Britney was taken by the nurse and two orderly's to a special exam room where she was stripped of her hospital gown and then subjected to various techniques to solicit arousal and then not allowed to cum. By the end of the third day her pussy was in desperated need of an orgasm. Everywhere she went in the building she felt excitement. Her pussy was in a constant state of heightened arousal and she needed to cum in the worst way.

Britney tried to get herself off when she was alone in her room, but it became painfully clear that she was being monitored 24/7 because each time she got close to satisfying herself, someone came in.

Britney's worst fears were being realized. She was trapped in a place with no escape. She was being forced to be naked most of the time, which added to her arousal. She was being tormented by the nurse and two orderly's by being brought to the brink of orgasm several times in a row and then denied. She wasn't allowed to touch herself, at least not long enough for her to get off.

Her "rehab" was turning out to be worse than what Paris had done to her. Britney was starting to lose it again. She HAD to escape, but how and to where?

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Britney Spears rehab; her first day

Britney's first day in rehab was like any other facility. She had to check in and fill out all kinds of paperwork and release forms. She blindly signed form after form until they finished almost an hour later.
She hated the idea of being there at all and she just wanted to get the formalities over with as quickly as possible. Once she finished inprocessing, she was led to a medical exam room where she was instructed to remove all her clothes.
She was thoroughly examined by the female nurse who began by listening to her heart, then checking her breasts for lumps, then checking her muscle tone in all her limbs and stomach. Britney thought it was a little odd that the nurse didn't use rubber gloves, but figured it was just the way they did things there. Besides, the woman's hands were warm and soft and Britney actually enjoyed her touch.
She readily raised her arms and interlocked her fingers behind her head when the pretty nurse asked her too. It was strange, but being put in such a compromising position in front of a complete stranger like that made Britney begin to leak a little. But what made Britney really begin to ooze was when the nurse seemed to sense her excitement and then got a little perturbed.
The nurse's sudden dislike for Britney caused her to begin to treat her rather roughly. She grabbed Britney's waist and spun her around and faced her to the wall. Then she firmly ran her hands up and down her back and legs to try and embarrass the young pop star. But when Britney's body rippled with goose bumps and she let out a soft moan, the nurse realized her tactic wasn't working.
She pushed Britney face down on the exam table and ordered her to open her legs. The nurse was shocked at how quickly and obediently the young star complied.
All her attempts to humiliate and embarrass the young diva were failing miserably. But she had one fullproof method that had ALWAYS worked in the past. The anal exam.
The nurse forcibly stretched Britney's ass cheeks apart and circled her index finger around the pop princess's booty hole. It bothered the nurse when she felt Britney's ass cheeks relax and open so easily, almost inviting her digital invasion.
The nurse pushed the tip of index finger inside Britney's tight little butt hole and twisted it and pushed it in deeper. Normally this action would cause the patient to recoil in disgust but Britney pushed back against her finger until it was buried up to her hand. The nurse realized that Britney was a slut and she slowly withdrew her finger as Britney moaned in disappointment.
That's when the nurse sighed in defeat. She knew that Britney wasn't about to be embarrassed or humiliated and that nothing she could do was going to accomplish that. She sighed softly again and pushed her finger back inside, to Britney's delight.
The nurse spent the next several minutes finger fucking Britney's ass as Britney moaned her approval.
Britney wasn't allowed to cum and the nurse gave her a hand towel to wipe her sopping pussy with.
The nurse then took Britney by the arm and led the naked pop star down a long corridor past several patients rooms and into a central lobby area for visitors. Children and mothers stared at the naked diva as the nurse chatted with the girl behind the desk for several minutes.
Britney tried to cover herself but knew it was useless. Her shorn body was on full display and everyone took advantage and stared. Feeling dozens of eyes focused on her nakedness made Britney freeze in place. She was already self conscious about being bald, but now, being forced to stand naked in front of women and children had a profound effect on her.
Inexplicably Britney began to ooze again. At least she felt like she was oozing. Without thinking, she reached between her legs in full view of everyone there and she squeezed her shaved pussy to check for moisture. In her blind state of unconsciousness, she brought her hand to her face and sniffed and licked her palm as everyone watched in disbelief.
Smelling and tasting her own arousal caused Britney to mentally enter a place she'd never been before. Her pussy was indeed oozing and she was in dire need of an orgasm. As the nurse squeezed tightly on her upper arm, Britney used her free hand to cup and squeeze her pussy as everyone watched. In seconds, the sensation caused by her finger as it swept deep inside her swollen, sloppy folds, caused Britney to moan out loud.
The nurse turned to look at Britney and saw her mastubating in full view of everyone in the lobby. Shocked, but unwilling to stop the pop star diva, she kept a firm grip on her arm as she too, watched.
It didn't take long before Britney was panting and thrusting on her hand.
The lobby sat in shocked silence as one of America's most famous icons slutted herself like a filthy whore.
"Oh gawd," Britney panted, "Oh GAWD!" she moaned as her fingers pumped in and out of her glistening cunt.
Seconds later Britney groaned loudly as her loin exploded in orgasm and her loud pants echoed throughout the room.
With weakened knees and slippery thighs, Britney nearly collapsed.
The nurse held her up and snarled in her ear, "I hope it was worth it, slut. It'll be your last for a while."

Friday, February 23, 2007

Britney Spears is a sex slave to Paris

Britney, in an effort the escape the evil clutches of Paris, had re-entered rehab for the third time in four days. Each time Britney has entered rehab Paris has called her or texted her and threatened to publish the film of her and Lindsay.

The fear and trepidation poor Britney feels as her life if being ruined by Paris is becoming overwhelming.

After Britney's first attempt to escape Paris and go into rehab, Paris responded by hiring a realtor to begin the process of selling Britney's home in Beverly Hills. Britney knew she had to leave rehab immediately, but her consequence had already been initiated. So Britney will soon be homeless in CA.

When Britney failed to get the barcode tattoo on her lower hairline on the back of her head, Paris was furious! That triggered Britney's second attempt to escape Paris' grip and enter rehab. When Paris found out that Britney was attempting another escape, Paris threatened Britney again and ordered her to get yet another tattoo, a pair of lips, which represented Paris' pussy lips and depicted Britney's love and devotion to Paris. Britney was put under a strict timeframe to accomplish the task and almost sobbed uncontrollably on the street in front of the tattoo parlor when she realized it was closed. The panic and fear she felt had a strange effect on her body and Britney didn't know what to make of it.

In her mind, she knew that normal people would "dry up" under such horrific conditions, and yet here she was, put under immense duress and pressure and her pussy was leaking like never before. None of it made sense. She wanted to touch herself in the worst way, but Britney knew anything she did like that would be caught on camera and would only further anger Paris. Afterall, she was under strict guidelines to not cum unless given permission, which she didn't have.

Britney's time was running out and she desperately needed to get the tattoo before 10am. She raced around town until she finally found a tattoo parlor that was open. She ran inside and told the artist that she needed her lip tattooed. Needless to say, the woman was a little shocked, but not overtly so. That is, not until Britney told her exactly what and where she was to tattoo. When Britney told the woman to tattoo the inside of her lower lip with a specific number (her slave number) and then also give her a tiny "cross" tattoo on her lip where people could see, the woman was indeed shocked.

Britney knew that the paparazzi would see her getting her lip tattooed and concluded the only way to "cover up" her slave number being tattooed on the inside of her lower lip was to put a cross on her lip where people could see it.

All that racing around town and pledging her love and devotion to Paris via a permanent tattoo on the inside of her lower lip (like a horse), made Britney creamy wet. Her heart raced and she panted with arousal that she couldn't stop. Her bald head was coated with a thin layer of sweat as paparazzi snapped photo after photo as she was driven throughout LA. Britney had to cum. It had been days since she was last allowed and her life was in a shambles already. She reasoned that having a quick orgasm was worth the risk, besides, what more could Paris do to her?

Britney fingered herself to glorious orgasm as they drove around LA, chased by paparazzi.

Britney was running out of options and called her mom. She couldn't explain everything to her mom, but she told her enough that her mom agreed to help. Even Britney's mom was beginning to distance herself from the floundering pop star. Her mom insisted they go to rehab and Britney pleaded with her mom to NOT take her to rehab for fear of another severe consequence.

It wasn't long after that that Britney got a text from Paris that read, "do u want ur boyz?"

Needless to say, Britney broke down as she entered rehab for the third time. She had mixed emotions as she was escorted inside. She knew this was her only safe haven from Paris, but she knew that Paris had called Kevin to come take her boys. It was a heart wrenching moment for Britney, but she felt compelled to try and break the bonds of Paris' grip.

The confusion Britney has felt these past few weeks has left her in a very strange place mentally. Until she can sort out her feelings and devotion for Paris from her disdain and hatred of Paris, she'll remain in rehab.

Even more evidence Paris is blackmailing Britney

Remember how Paris ordered Britney to fire her staff and that she'd replace them with her own? And remember how Paris ordered Britney to ALWAYS be naked in her home and NOT touch her boys?

What?! You haven't read about that yet? OMG! Read my blog below to get the real story that explains Britney's bizarre behavior.

Here are some more excerpts from articles about Britney, which just happen to support my theory. Hmmm, strange how things are shaping up.


The former nanny reports:

“Britney asked me and one of her nannies to come to her room to watch her try on outfits for a party one night – then she stripped down naked in front of us!” reporting on an US article:

“...the article goes on to say that she (Britney Spears) basically goes around butt naked most of the time in her house, that most of her family and NONE of her friends are NOT allowed in any of her homes…”

Internet evidence that Paris is blackmailing Britney

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Paris blackmail's Britney pt 1

Think about this for a moment: poor little Britney, fresh off a divorce from her loser husband, in dire need to lose her pregnancy weight and get back in shape, suddenly has a revelation. She realizes that she's not getting any younger and that it's high time she take advantage of her fame and fortune and go out and have a good time.
She hooks up with two other famous starletts and soon the trio become fast friends. What happens behind closed doors is the real story. It goes like this:
After several nights of partying at clubs and late night jaunts, Britney and her two cohorts go back to her place to sleep it off. As they roll into the driveway, Paris says, "Let's go take a dip in the pool!"
As the other two watch in disbelief, Paris strips naked as she runs through the house to the pool in back where she dives in. Her shiny skin glistens in the moonlight as her perky breasts bob at the surface. "Come on in!" she yells to her newfound partners.
Britney doesn't hesitate, she strips naked and dives in. The three tipsy women giggle and splash and play in the pool. Everything seemed perfectly normal until Lindsay and Britney got close.
Paris immediately could sense that something was about to happen and she got out and grabbed her camera. She started to record them and watched silently so as not to disturb the moment. Just as she had anticipated, Britney and Lindsay started to kiss. Their hands roamed each other's bodies and they kissed for several seconds.
Paris couldn't help herself and she started to rub her own pussy. When Lindsay lifted herself out of the pool and sat on the edge and spread her legs, Paris held her breath. She couldn't believe her luck! Her camera almost began to shake but she kept filming. "Thank God for frame stabilization," she thought to herself.
Watching Lindsay use her index finger to beckon Britney to "come here" and then point at her pussy was almost too much for Paris. But when Britney glided over and placed her hands on Lindsay's knees and leaned in, Paris almost lost it.
Paris found it hard to breathe as she watched in wanton desire as Britney licked and sucked on Lindsay until she came. Paris had it all on film. She knew that with her newfound leverage, she was going to have the time of her life forcing her two "best friends" to do things they'd never done before.
The real fun began the following day...
(Click on "Older Post" to next installment or scroll down)

Paris blackmail's Britney pt 2

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Britney Spears submits to Paris pt 3

Paris could hardly believe her luck. She’d successfully blackmailed Britney into becoming the new media slut. The only thing left to do was to begin her transformation.

It didn’t take long for Paris to get started. Even though she didn’t really have Lindsay under her thumb like Britney, she was sure she could get her do a few things anyway. “The first thing you two need to do is shave those nasty snatches of yours. Yes, you too Lindsay,” Paris ordered as she motioned them to “get going” with her pointer finger.

Alone in the bathroom, Britney sobbed as she began to shave her pussy clean. When she heard Paris yell for her to come out and show it, she felt tremendous humiliation. Reluctantly, she walked out of the bathroom bottomless to show her friend her shaved pussy. She didn’t mind being naked in front of her friends under normal conditions, but this...this was so humiliating.

Britney tried to cover herself with her hands, but Paris quickly shooed them away.

“Mmmm, nice,” Paris purred as she stared at Britney’s bald pussy, “That’s a great start.”

For some unexplainable reason, standing in front of Paris with nothing on below the waist was having a strange effect on her. Britney was feeling a strange tingling sensation in her loin and it felt like…like…arousal. “This can’t be,” she thought as she tried to shake the impulse. But looking into Paris’ eyes and seeing her staring at her cunt was having a profound effect on her.

“The first thing you’ll do today is have a t-shirt made. It’ll read, “MILF in training”. You’ll wear it with no bra and stroll around town to make sure the paparazzi take lots of pictures. Secondly, you will fire your entire staff except your limo driver. I will have a replacement staff start here tomorrow. In the meantime, I will develop a list of rules for you Britney. Any questions, slut?” Paris asked with a mean smile.

Britney, shocked at the request and even more shocked at being called a slut by her friend replied, “No, no questions.” The thought of firing her staff sickened Britney. They had been so loyal since she’d moved in to her new home in Beverly Hills. Secretly she was thankful she wasn’t ask to replace them all herself. It was a tough job the first time and one she didn’t care to repeat.

“No questions, PARIS,” Paris corrected.

“No, no questions, Paris,” complied Britney.

Britney did as she was told. She bought a special t-shirt and wore it around town without a bra and let the paparazzi take lots of photos. As demeaning as her first task was, there was something strangely liberating about going braless and being photographed. She also found the hoots and catcalls very exhilarating, too.

Britney Spears submits to Paris pt 4

The next day Paris arrived at Britney’s Beverly Hills home just as Britney was on her way out the front door with her two boys in tow. “Whoa, where do you think you’re going? Get back inside. We have business to discuss.” Paris ordered.
“W-we were on the way to the park for our daily play time,” Britney explained, “It’s something we do almost everyday.”
“Not today, cunt,” Paris snarled, the sharpness of her tone causing Britney to wince. “Your new staff will be here shortly and we have a lot to cover before they get here.”
Paris led the trio into the large TV room that had a circular leather couch and several chairs. She motioned to Britney to sit down and put the boys in the middle of the room so they could play. The oldest boy wasn’t even three and the younger was about half that.
“I will speak, you will listen,” Paris began, “Today you will have a new staff. They are an all female staff, except the pool boy/groundskeeper. They are a strict bunch but they’re necessary to complete your training.”
Britney, confused, interrupted, “Training?”
Paris leapt up and grabbed Britney by the hair and started shaking her head violently shouting, “What did I say, cunt?! I speak, you listen!”
The startled boys didn’t fully understand what was happening, but were shocked by Paris’ yelling.
Britney on the other hand, was totally frightened by this “other side” of Paris. She whimpered she was sorry and Paris warned her not to let it happen again.
Paris continued, “Your new staff will consist of a cook, a housekeeper, a personal assistant, and a manager to handle them all. In addition to them you will have a three person rotation of nanny’s for the boys and of course, the pool boy.”
Britney was impressed with the number of staff members. It was about twice what she had before.
“Now for the rules,” Paris began, “You will follow these rules to the letter. Any deviation will result in punishment. Punishment may be painful or restrictive. Either I or Gwen, oh, she’s the new staff manager, will inflict your punishment. When I am not around, Gwen is in charge completely. She has full authority to enforce…whatever.”
Britney grew more and more nervous. Hearing the sternness in Paris’ voice was scary enough but hearing these things in front of her boys was humiliating. She didn’t know what to do or how to react. She wanted to run, but knew she couldn’t. Fear gripped her and she worried about her future. Through all this trepidation, she knew she had to stay focused on Paris’ words or she may miss something important, so she listened intently as Paris continued.
“Beginning immediately, you will not leave the house for any reason unless you have my permission. While in the house you will not wear anything but four inch heels. I bought you a pair of nice soft four inch heeled slippers for around the house.”
Britney’s mouth dropped open. She just couldn’t be naked all day, especially around her boys. It was sick and unacceptable. She wanted to protest but thought better of it. Her heart began to beat faster as her anxiety built.
We may as well get started now, so strip. Just toss your clothes over there in the corner,” Paris directed.
Britney sat motionless for a few seconds as she stared at Paris to insure she was serious. Then she looked down at her two boys playing quietly on the floor in front of them. Britney had always taken great precautions to be modest in front of her boys before now.
Britney’s hesitation disturbed Paris. “Either strip now or suffer your first punishment IN FRONT OF YOUR BOYS” she threatened.
Reluctantly, Britney stood and peeled of her t-shirt and then her bra. When Sean asked her what she was doing, Britney felt like passing out. She didn’t know what to say. She was so humiliated. Stupid excuses flashed through her mind, each one dumber than the one before. When Sean insisted on staring at her, Britney urged him to look away as she unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. “Please honey, look over there a moment, okay?”
But Sean didn’t and Britney pushed her jeans down and clumsily stepped out of them. As she stood there in her panties, she saw a little smirk come across Sean’s face as his little eyes widened. Britney’s discomfort hit a whole new level at that moment, “Please honey,” she begged as she tried to cover herself from his prying eyes, “play with your brother, okay?”
Sean didn’t look away. He was too enthralled with what his mother was doing so he kept staring.
“Sean, please,” Britney begged a last time before she inserted her thumbs into the waistband of her panties and reluctantly pushed them down and off. Her heart was pounding and she could hardly breathe as she quickly sat down and tried to cover her nakedness from her boys.
Satisfied with the completion of the first step, Paris continued, “You will have no physical contact with your boys unless I or the staff allows it. You may see them and talk to them, but you will not touch them. The boys shouldn’t be raised by such a filthy slut like you anyway. You’re nothing more than trailer trash and you know it. If we go outside either I or Gwen will carry the boys in case the paparazzi are watching. We wouldn’t them thinking you were actually trying to be a mother, now would we?” Paris taunted.
Tears welled up in Britney’s eyes as she realized what was happening. Her family was being torn apart and it was all her fault.
“You will dress as you are told and go where you are told, when you are told and you will do what you are told. Failure to do so will result in punishment. You will not touch yourself in ANY manner except when you apply makeup, shave or get dressed. You will not cum unless given permission to do so by me or Gwen. At least once per day, you will make someone else cum. If it’s a man, you will collect a sample of his cum, if it’s a woman, you get her to sign a sworn affidavit that she came at your urging. Here’s a stack of prepared affidavit’s that they only have to sign and date,” Paris said as she handed Britney a box of business cards. “You will carry some of them with you at all times.”
“I will have your house rigged with security cameras today, too. There will be one in each room and your activities will be strictly monitored. Any violation of the rules and you will be punished.”
Paris continued as Britney struggled to stay focused, “Since you are not allowed to touch yourself in any manner, you will eat in a prescribed manner. Your food items will be restricted to things like carrots, celery, breadsticks, hotdogs, kielbasa sausage and the like. You may eat whenever you are hungry, but you WILL eat as follows: the cook will insert your food of choice in her vagina and you will get on your knees and eat it from her.”
Britney blinked in disbelief. No way was she going to do that, NO WAY. She’d rather starve than do that.
“Lastly, you will register yourself with an online slave registry and make me your owner. Then you will be placed on a strict schedule. You will get up no later than 8am daily, you will shower, shave your body completely from the neck down and you will do a workout that lasts several hours. You can play with the boys in the afternoon, so long as you don’t try to touch them. Remember, you can eat whenever you are hungry, so long as you do it as outlined previously. Every evening we will go clubbing and return…whenever. Any questions, cunt?” Paris ended.
Britney was overwhelmed. She didn’t know what to say or how to say it. She understood what Paris had dictated, but she didn’t agree with any of it. She worried that saying she understood was some sort of admission that she’d comply. Too many questions, too much confusion befuddled Britney. She briefly cleared her mind long enough to mutter, “No, no questions, Paris.”

Britney Spears submits to Paris pt 5

Over the next two days, the new staff took control of Britney’s home. Security men hustled in and out for the first two days installing cameras in every room in the house and setting up a central control station in one of the empty bedrooms. Britney scampered naked from room to room trying to dodge them and for the most part succeeded. When the workers were finished, she watched the guy in charge speak to Gwen and point at a button on a device. As he left the house, Gwen pushed the button and the tape of her and Lindsay popped on every TV set in the house simultaneously. Over and over it looped.
Britney wanted to burst into tears. Her life as she knew it was over. The past few days had been a living Hell. Everyday was the same; she was getting so tired and hungry. She didn’t eat the first two days, but today was different. Her stomach was growling and she was feeling weak. Thinking of eating anything from the cooks’ vagina was so humiliating. She sobbed uncontrollably as she imagined what it’d be like.
She replayed the last two days in her mind once again. Each morning she was rudely awoken by Gwen with a hard slap to her bare ass. Then Britney was hustled into the shower where, under the watchful eye of her personal assistant, she showered and shaved her entire body below the neck. Then she’d step out and be forced to “assume the position”, which meant she had to stand spread eagled with her arms held at shoulder height out to the side. Then the personal assistant would towel dry her as Britney recited her affirmations about Paris five times in a row.
“I love Paris. Paris is a Goddess. Paris is MY Goddess. Paris owns me. I am Britney, slave 824-069-143 and I will do anything to please Paris.”
Shortly thereafter, Gwen would come in and “inspect” her to insure she was shaved properly. She’d carefully run her hands over every part of her body and if she found even the slightest amount of stubble it earned Britney a spank with a wooden paddle. The first day was horrible; she could barely sit after nearly 20 whacks. The next day was better; she was only hit 7 times.
Britney was determined to not earn a single swat and was careful to do a good job shaving. As she stood in the “position”, Gwen walked in carrying her youngest boy and dragging Sean in tow. She placed the baby on the bed and said to Sean, “Well, let’s see how mommy did today shall we? You wanna help auntie Gwen?”
Britney’s heart almost stopped. She wanted to cry out, “NO” but she held her tongue. As if it wasn’t bad enough to have her son in the room as she was subjected to this humiliating ritual, Gwen had gone so far as to seek Sean’s involvement. Britney was stunned. She wanted to cry, to run, to hide, to be anywhere but there at that moment. She held her breath as Gwen circled behind her visually inspecting her first.
Holding Sean’s little hand in hers; Gwen knelt down behind Britney and guided his little hand to the back of her thigh. As she slid the palm of his hand down the back of her leg she whispered, “Do you feel any little prickly things, honey?”
Feeling her son’s tiny hand slide down the back of her leg sent goose bumps rippling across her body and Britney eked out a soft moan. Her tummy tightened as she pictured his tiny face just inches from her naked bum and she shuddered uncontrollably.
“Seems like mommy likes that,” purred Gwen as she noted Britney’s reaction.
“NO!” screamed Britney in her clouded mind. It wasn’t true and she wanted everyone to know, but she dare not speak out. But each time Gwen guided Sean’s hand along the back of her leg it sent shock waves deep into her loin. Something was beginning to happen and Britney couldn’t stop it. She held her breath and bit her lower lip, but nothing seemed to help. Her body was beginning to betray her in a way she never dreamed possible. She could feel her pussy begin to swell and flower like a morning bud. “Oh no,” she moaned in her mind, “this can’t be happening, not now!”
The past few days of not cumming were taking their toll, too. Her body was hungry, deprived of sleep and orgasms and now with Gwen tormenting her with her own son, Britney was helpless to stop it.
“Please,” Britney softly whispered hoping that Gwen would stop.
Gwen knew she had Britney on the edge. She peeked under Britney’s legs and saw her pussy moistening, “Oh look honey,” she pointed out to Sean, “Your mommy DOES like what you’re doing. See? See that bit of moisture right there? See? Under there?”
Britney wanted to die. Gwen had her son inspecting her aroused pussy from inches away and there was nothing she could do about it. If she could have crawled in a hole, she would have.
Under Sean’s watchful gaze, Gwen reached between Britney’s legs and cupped her swollen pussy. She gave it a nice firm squeeze and grinned when Britney moaned out loud. “Sounds like mommy likes it too, eh, Sean?” Gwen smiled as she dipped a long, wrinkled finger into Britney’s moist slit. First one finger, then two, then three fingers went in before she began pumping them in and out.
Britney knew the rule. She wasn’t allowed to cum unless she was given permission, not to mention her sons were watching. The insanity of the moment was killing her. Standing spread eagled her son’s face just inches away from her engorged loin as it was being finger banged by this older woman was just too much. She found herself moaning and groaning uncontrollably. Then those quickly turned to pants and she was rapidly moving closer and closer to orgasm. “Oh my gawd!” she screamed in her mind, “This can’t be happening!”
Britney was caving. Her body was about to do the unthinkable and there was nothing she could do to stop it. But she dare not cum without permission so without thinking she began to plead, “Please, oh gawd, please may I cum?” Her words then came in short staccato bursts, “Please…oh…gawd…please…I…need…to…cum…PLEASE!”
Just as her loin was about to convulse in orgasm, Gwen’s fingers pulled out and slapped Britney’s ass hard. “No you will NOT cum!” ordered the older woman as she repeatedly spanked Britney’s behind as her son laughed and giggled as he watched his mommy get spanked.

Britney Spears submits to Paris pt 6

After her daily shower and inspection routine, Britney was subjected to a grueling workout regimen. Gwen forced her run a treadmill and do numerous exercises. After just two days her muscles were so sore she could barely stand. Another factor was she had refused to eat, but now she was starving…literally.
She knew she’d have to eat something or she’d collapse. Ashamedly, she walked naked into the kitchen where the cook had prepared a wonderful breakfast of bacon and eggs and toast for everyone, except her. The smell of fresh roasted coffee made her tummy growl even more. She HAD to eat something, she just had too.
The cook knew it was only a matter of time before Britney would come crawling to her to beg her for something to eat. The fact that she had lasted two days actually impressed the middle-aged Italian. When she saw Britney’s ashen face and mournful look, she knew today was the day. She took a banana and peeled it as the nanny strolled in and seated the boys at the table.
“Good morning, slut,” said the nanny to Britney, “say good morning to your mommy boys. Say ‘good morning slutty mommy’” the nanny encouraged.
Sean repeated the good morning and smiled widely at his naked mother.
The cook held up the banana and dipped the end in a cup of yogurt and asked Britney, “You hungry today, cunt?”
When Britney dropped her head and reluctantly nodded ‘yes’, the cook said, “Well you know what to do then.”
Britney lowered herself to her knees as her two boys and the nanny watched and she slowly crawled in front of the cook who had inserted the bare half of the banana into her vagina.
“Go ahead, cunt, eat,” taunted the woman as she thrust her hips forward poking the banana in Britney’s face like a cock. “EAT!” she ordered loudly.
“Go ahead mommy, eat. You like nana’s don’t you mommy?” inquired Sean innocently.
Britney wanted to cry. Her poor innocent son didn’t know what he was saying and she didn’t want to make him feel bad so she whimpered, “Yes, mommy likes bananas.” Without giving it further thought, she opened her mouth and bit the yogurt covered banana. “Oh my gawd,” she thought as she chewed the delicious tasting treat.
In seconds, she had devoured the banana up the woman’s cunt. Britney watched as the older woman pushed the banana out inch by inch and had her bite it in sections.
By the time she was finished, Britney had eaten three bananas, three carrots and piece of celery. It didn’t seem to matter to her ‘how’ she’d done it, only that she had. Her belly was full and satisfied finally and she could feel her strength returning.
She sat back and paused when Sean said, “Good mommy, you did good.”

Britney Spears submits to Paris pt 7

Paris knew that the best way to fully sink her claws into Britney was to do it via the press. No one knew better than she did how her own life was being chronicled in the press.
She bought Britney a deep V-neck green dress, designed to titillate the media with Britney’s cleavage. She made her wear it the next evening and she made sure Britney was completely naked underneath. No bra. No panties. No nylons.
Paris, dressed in a nice red silk dress, took Britney to several clubs and got her drunk and made her dance with whoever wanted to dance with her. She told Britney that if anyone wanted to touch her or feel her up, she was to offer NO resistance.
Britney was scared and nervous. Between every club Paris would wrap her arm around her neck and literally drag her to the next club. Britney knew that Paris’ public exertion of control over her was nothing more than a publicity stunt, but what could she do about it? Nothing. As the night progressed, Britney was only too happy to drink herself drunk. She knew that getting drunk was probably the best way to excuse her behavior.
Britney danced all night long and had never been groped so often. The crowded dance floor was the perfect place for hands to slip under her dress for a quick squeeze of her tender ass and she was sure it was red with pinch or paddle marks. Mashed in between dozens of patrons, she couldn’t be sure if the hands were men or women’s. The blaring music nullified any talk and alcohol dulled her senses to the point that the whispers and laughter she thought she heard could have been nothing more than her own paranoia.
As part of Britney’s daily routine she had to make someone cum and collect a sample as proof or get a woman to sign an affidavit. She was getting so tired as the days rolled on, one day began to blur into the next. She knew the easiest way to get a sample was to jerk off some strange guy, which she did nightly. She’d beat them off under the table or take them to some dark corner and do it there. She hated it, but what else could she do? The really scary part was that word was starting to spread around the LA club scene. Guys never failed to boast about being jacked off by Britney.
Paris loved to sit back and watch Britney being groped and fondled on the dance floor and elsewhere. The best of the evening for Paris was watching Britney jack off guys and try to capture as much of their sperm as possible. It never failed to make her smile a wide smile as Britney scrambled to scrape as much cum off her hand or wherever it landed onto one of the business card sized affidavits and then put it in her purse. Paris knew her Louie must have reeked like cum by now.
By the end of this evening, Paris wrapped her arm around Britney’s shoulder and openly fondled her left breast. As they made their way through a throng of paparazzi snapping dozens of pictures, Paris whispered in her ear, “You did good tonight, cunt. Get some sleep, whore, because tomorrow we do it all over again.”

Britney Spears submits to Paris pt 8

Things had rapidly spiraled out of control for Britney. The media was having a field day with her partying and they were outwardly calling her a slut. It was humiliating, but what could she do? Sure, she’d made some mistakes in the past, but those minor indiscretions paled in comparison to what was being printed these days.
Night after night Paris would show up and make her wear sluttier and shorter outfits. Each time they left the house Paris made sure Britney was panty-less and braless, while Paris either wore pantyhose and bras under her dresses or she wore jeans. Everywhere they went Paris made sure that Britney was clearly the “sluttier” of the two and the media was definitely taking notice.
Britney’s days were repeats of the one before with only minor changes or a particularly humiliating circumstance differentiating them. But other than that every day she was the same. Gwen jarred her awake with a smack on her behind. Then she showered, shaved, recited her affirmation and was inspected. She’d eat breakfast from the cooks’ pussy and then do a grueling workout. She’d eat lunch from the cooks’ pussy, usually with everyone watching including her boys. Her meals were cold hotdogs or kielbasa sausage and a breadstick. Britney had gotten used to eating on her knees AND the taste of the cooks’ pussy. She wondered what regular food even tasted like anymore.
Her afternoons were mostly uneventful and she was so tired because of only getting about 4 hours sleep a night, would sometimes fall asleep in her boys’ playroom. She hated the idea of being naked around them for so long each day, but she knew she had no choice. One particularly disturbing day she nodded off and fell asleep on the floor. She started to have a dream that she was having an orgasm, which terrified her because she knew she’d be punished so she jarred herself awake only to find herself playing with her wet pussy. In her blind rage, she scolded him for watching and made him cry. She desperately wanted to hold him and tell him she was sorry, but she wasn’t allowed to touch him. It nearly broke her heart.

Britney Spears submits to Paris pt 9

That evening Paris told Britney, “Tonight you’ll wear a short black sleeveless dress with slits up both sides, no panties, no bra and 4” pumps. We’re going dancing again tonight,” Paris said.
She tossed Britney a bag containing the dress and shoes.
Britney took the items from the bag and headed off to put them on.
“That won’t be necessary, slut,” Paris said to stop Britney in her tracks; “You can put them on outside the front door like usual.”
Britney blushed as blood sank to her feet. She felt lightheaded and completely humiliated. How did she ever get herself in this situation? Why did she have to lick Lindsay’s pussy that night? What was she thinking?
Britney’s mind fogged with uncertainty and questions as she slowly shuffled to the front door and stepped outside. She pulled the black dress over her head and was shocked at it’s shortness and with the tiny four inch slits on each side, “Oh my gawd,” she thought to herself, “I’ll never be able to hide myself in this.”
Just to make sure there was a clear delineation between the two of them, Paris wore a pair tight blue jeans, knee high white boots and a sheer white top…with a camisole underneath.
The media had a field day as Paris paraded Britney around town. She made sure that she had her arm around Britney in the “dominant” position, you know, about shoulder height so Britney would have to put her arm under hers. This also allowed Paris to lift up on the back of Britney’s dress without her knowledge so she could expose Britney’s butt to the paparazzi.
She also had Britney get in and out of her low-riding car so that Britney had no choice but to flash her puss to the cameras. At one point Paris intentionally pulled her from the car and lifted her dress for the paparazzi.

Britney Spears submits to Paris pt10

As days turned in to weeks, Paris’ control over Britney tightened. Not only did Paris have the video of her eating Lindsay’s pussy that was played nonstop on every TV in her house, but now the media was catching Paris in these very controlling postures and it was becoming more and more apparent to even the most casual observer that Paris was the dominant figure in their relationship. Britney had no way out. She was losing control of her life and she was powerless to stop it.
Paris and everyone around Britney could see she was beginning to lose it. Paris was determined to push her over the edge and watch her crash to the ground. She called in a few favors and got Britney removed from the talent pool for the Super Bowl. It was a humiliating blow to the once proud pop star diva and it made Britney cry for days. But Paris reveled in her rivals’ recent failures and often sat in Britney’s home and watched her pace back and forth, naked and mumbling to herself.
When Paris got her daddy to put in a good word for her, she replaced Britney at the Vienna Opera. It was particularly delightful to Paris when they called Britney “toxic”.
It was another major blow to Britney’s ego and she knew that in the court of public appeal, she was losing the battle to Paris. Britney knew that she was indeed becoming the slut everyone said she was becoming.

Britney Spears is a sex slave to Paris pt11

Paris had one thing left to do to seal her total control over Britney. She would force her to do something so hideous, so outrageous, so humiliating, so demeaning and degrading that it would HAVE to be the straw to break the camel’s back. If this didn’t drive Britney over the edge, nothing would.
She called the naked Britney into the TV room and sat her down. “Skank, today you will show your total devotion to me. Is that clear?”
“Yes,” replied Britney without hesitation.
“Today I want you to go to a tattoo parlor and you will do two things for me. First, you will shave your head in front of whoever is there. Second, you will get two tattoos. One will be just above that slutty cunt of yours and it will read, “I (heart) Paris”. The second tattoo will be at the base of your hairline on the back of your freshly shaven head. It will be a barcode of your slave number.”
After weeks of intense training, Britney barely hesitated. She had become zombie-like the past few days and nothing seemed to faze her. Her brain was filled with so many horrifying images, two more hardly made a dent.
Her daily routine had become “normal” behavior for her. Living off 4 or less hours of sleep a night became ordinary. Shaving her body daily was standard operating procedure so why would shaving her head be any different?
Performing twice daily affirmations of her love and devotion for Paris reinforced her desire to WANT the tattoos. Paris’ demand didn’t feel like a demand at all. It seemed like a simple request that Britney would be happy to do for her beloved Paris.
It was Paris, after all, who made everything possible. If it weren’t for Paris, how would she get along? How would she care for herself or her boys if Paris weren’t there?
Britney continued to rationalize Paris’ request for several minutes as she gathered her clothes and stepped out the front door to get dressed. In recent days it had been Paris who signed the affidavit acknowledging that Britney had made her cum. It had become a nightly ritual for them to return home after hours of clubbing and like usual Britney would strip naked before entering the house. She would go straight to the boy’s room and kneel. As soon as Paris entered the room Britney would bow and show homage to the blonde heiress. Britney would quietly start to beg and plead with Paris to allow her to make her cum.
Paris really enjoyed forcing Britney to lick her pussy while her boys slept mere feet away. She liked to drag things out until Britney’s own pussy was soaked and ready. Paris would make Britney crawl across the room on her belly and lick her boots or shoes before removing them and sucking on her toes. Paris made sure Britney cleaned her feet well, especially between her toes. Feeling Britney’s warm tongue slather between her toes always sent chills right to her pussy.
Paris would force Britney to lick and kiss her way up both legs before removing whatever clothing she had on. Having the mother of the two sleeping boys strip her naked was exhilarating to Paris. She loved the excitement of being naked in a room with two sleeping little ones who might wake up any second. The shock this would cause them was what made Paris’ pussy ooze the most.
Once Paris was naked, she forced Britney to suck and lick her pussy and ass as she assumed various positions. Paris liked to stand and lean over the babies crib while Britney licked her pussy from below. She also liked to spread her legs and support her upper body on Sean’s bed as Britney licked her pussy and ass from behind. Paris had many wonderful orgasms at Britney’s expense.
Before she left for the tattoo parlor, Britney only had one question for Paris, “What will I tell them if they ask me why I’m shaving my head?”
“Tell them you’re tired of people touching you,” answered Paris matter-of-factly.
Britney wore a hoody to the tattoo shop and immediately upon entry looked around. The place was full of patrons and a half dozen or so employees. She told them she was here to get a couple tattoos.
She looked around once again and saw that everyone in the place was staring at her. She’d gotten used to people staring over the years, so it was no big deal. She picked up a set of clippers, looked in the mirror and began to shave her head.
A collective gasp emanated from the tattoo parlor as people watched in horror as Britney shaved off row after row of her naturally golden locks. The place was abuzz with shocked commentary and whispers.

Britney Spears is a sex slave to Paris pt. 12

Once Britney was completely bald, she went to the tattoo artist and told her what she wanted. There was something very exciting about unzipping her jeans and opening them in front of a husky female and showing her where she wanted her tattoo located.
Britney was sure the woman could do the job if she simply held her pants open, but when the woman pulled her closer and shown a light on her pubic area, she felt a sudden surge of wetness.
“Honey, I’ll need to clean that area real well, so you’re gonna have to drop them drawers a little farther,” sighed the woman as she tried to remain calm. She’d tattooed plenty of celeb’s before, but none as pretty as Britney…even bald. Her heart was pounding like a little school girl on the first day of class and she felt a little embarrassed by the fact. It wasn’t her nature to get ruffled, especially at work. But having such a pretty woman and beautiful pussy just inches away, made her hotter than Georgia asphalt.
The artist reached up and grabbed Britney’s jeans by each hip and forced them down to her knees. “Now stand still sweety,” she said as she grabbed some cotton swabs and alcohol.
Britney squealed when the cold swab touched her hypersensitive pubic area and she immediately felt another surge of moisture. It had been over a week since Paris had allowed her to cum last and she was definitely feeling the effects of restriction. Her loin was ready to explode at the slightest touch and she knew the procedure might cause her a problem. “Excuse me a minute,” she told the artist, “can you hang on one sec please? I need to send a text message.”
Britney banged out a text message to Paris asking permission to cum. She squealed and squirmed when the reply came back, “yes”. Britney sighed a long sigh and closed her eyes and told the woman to proceed.
The woman began to swab a small area at first, just above her vaginal opening. Then gradually she cleaned a wider and wider area paying special attention to Britney’s swollen labia.
“Ooohhh,” Britney cooed as the woman’s gentle touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through her veins. Her knees felt a little weak, so she placed a hand on the table next to her for support. “Oh yes, just like that,” Britney said aloud by mistake.
Hearing Britney say that was all the manly woman needed to hear. She tossed the swab away and began to massage Britney’s pussy with her fingers. She flicked them up and down, then in and out, teasing the young starlet to ecstasy. As she sat in front of the standing Britney and playing with her saturated cunt, she could tell the young singer was headed over the edge quickly. She reached around the girls’ backside and grabbed a handful of pop culture diva ass and drove two fingers inside her sopping fuck hole.
As the young princess swayed uncontrollably, the artist pumped her fingers in and out of her pussy. It only took seconds for the diva to cream herself and cum like never before.
When Britney finally finished convulsing, the artist took her lather covered fingers and sucked on them. She licked the pop stars cream from her fingers and swore to “never wash her hands again”.
In less than an hour Britney’s two tattoos were complete. She was now the officially owned property of Paris.