Saturday, March 31, 2007

Paris Hilton: prison bitch? pt 1

LA county lockup buzzed with anticipation. The women’s ward stirred with excitement when news spread like an Orange County wild fire that Paris Hilton would be spending some time there.

Poor dumb Paris was busted for driving on a suspended driver’s license in violation of her probation and was headed to jail.

The pile of folded clothes hit Paris squarely in the chest as she processed past the long counter. The female guard had tossed Paris her prison garb, a short-sleeved denim jumper with the letters "DOC" stenciled on the back in huge black letters.
"Put it on," commanded the guard, as Paris meekly ambled by.
Paris blinked her eyes to clear her mind as she pulled the coarse scratchy jumper over her head and then across her waist. The blonde officer motioned for Paris to continue walking as Paris pulled and straightened her jumper. Still barefoot, Paris was led through a door into a large open corridor.
As the door opened, Paris could see both walls were lined with barred cells, which housed the day's inmates. Loud echoes from footsteps were quickly drowned out by cat-calls as Paris entered the walkway. Female inmates saw Paris enter wearing her Department of Corrections jumper and knew that a 'newbie' had just arrived. They welcomed her with taunts, sexual chatter and laughter at her thin frame.
Paris immediately became fearful and wondered how she could have been so stupid. She wondered why her daddy couldn’t get her out of this jam, too. A shiver ran down her spine as the cold gray colored cement floor beneath her bare feet added to her faintness. She had a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as she was slowly paraded past the first few cells.
A large ugly woman reached out to grope at the fresh young celebrity as she passed. Paris leaned away and covered herself from the leering eyes of the female inmates. The corridor echoed noisily with female chatter and metallic banging the further inside Paris moved. She felt her heart racing with fear as she clutched her chest and covered herself. She didn't like this place at all and wondered how she could get out.
Midway down the long corridor the guard stopped and pointed to an open cell. Lined on both sides with bunk beds and a toilet and sink in the back, the cell had two occupants already. The guard directed Paris inside using hand gestures. Trembling, Paris stepped inside.
The guard leaned into her and whispered in her ear, "Have a good night, sweetie." Paris shivered at the guard's words and then jumped as the cell door slammed behind her. She was alone, so to speak.

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